主演:宫口精二 户浦六宏 笠智众 山村聪 三船敏郎 小杉义男 志村乔 高桥悦史 中丸忠雄 黑泽年男 香川良介 明石潮 玉川伊佐男 二本柳宽 武内亨 加藤武 江原达怡 三井弘次 土屋嘉男 岛田正吾 堤康久 高田稔 加东大介 田崎润 平田昭彦 堺左千夫 中村伸郎 北龙二 藤木悠 北村和夫 村上冬树 北泽彪 今福将雄 天本英世 神山繁 浜村淳 佐藤允 久保明 石山健二郎 藤田进 田中浩 佐田丰 上田忠好 伊藤雄之助 长谷川弘 青野平义 儿玉清 平田昭彦 小林桂树 中谷一郎 山本廉 森干太 伊吹彻 小川安三 田岛义文
简介:讲述二战史上日本本土的最后一天发生的情景。以2小时38分钟的篇幅全面描绘日本1945年8月15日向盟军投降的前前后后,是一部格局宏大的史诗巨片。 日本1967年冈本喜八经典名作之一,《电影旬报》评选的日本百大佳片之一。影片结尾三船敏郎剖腹自杀一段情节的刻划堪称经典中的经典。由于影片是黑白的画面,当三船敏郎左至右横切腹部时,鲜血从喷涌而出的场面令人毛骨悚然,这个情节大约持续了10分钟左右,充分显示了日本军国主义的盲目性。
主演:高田稔 村濑幸子 入江隆子
简介:The Kinema Junpo critics were, of course, mistaken to think that Naruse had abandoned his emphasis on women. His next film, Sincerity, features two strong female characters, played by Irie Takako and Murase Sachiko, each of whom have a daughter. The girls are schoolmates, but one (Nobuko) is from a middle-class home and the other (Tomiko) is from a poor family. Tomiko's mother Tsutako (Irie) is a single mother who works from home as a seamstress, while Nobuko's mother lives in an elegant home with her husband, Kei. Eventually, it is revealed that Kei had a romantic relationship with Tsutako, and may be Tomiko's father as well, but he is conscripted shortly after this revelation and goes off to war.This is very much a home front film, in which the women are involved in supporting activities, and the whole town cheers on the new recruits. As Kei is a banker, he is conscripted as an officer. He is introduced brandishing a magnificent sword, indicating his readiness for his call-up, for which everyone congratulates him when it comes. The wartime context is little more than a backdrop to the story of paternity and former love. The complex emotions among the women are conveyed through cutting on eye movements and eye lines, and through the use of the pastoral location.
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