主演:Jerry Killick Natali Broods 奥丝·图思 Balázs Mészáros Zsófia Rea
导演:Wim Vandekeybus
简介: Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past......
主演:约翰·海尔登贝格 科恩·德·格雷夫 瓦伦提金·达恩斯 Kenneth·Vanbaeden Gilda·De·Bal Natali·Broods Lynn·Van·Royen·
简介:年仅十三岁的男孩自幼跟着家中父执叔伯干尽各种荒唐事。冬天他们刮去浓密腿毛、搽上脂粉,男扮女装上酒馆卖弄风骚;夏天他们则一丝不挂在艳阳下踩着自行车。血缘成了男孩的沉重枷锁,看惯了叔伯们终日无所是事,他不禁怀疑自己是否也逃不出命运的轮回传承。电影在大打出手与醉意蒙眬间,绘出了一幅残缺却温热的家族肖像画。 影片以一位80年代的13岁比利时男孩Gunther Strobbe为主角,他和父亲以及三个叔叔住在祖母家,这个家庭是由酒鬼、赌徒和花花公子组成的,但是Gunther Strobbe对于这个外人看来不体面的家庭却有着深切的热爱。
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