主演:Kim Jeong-seok 金素妍 郑涵妃 姜新孝 李花诗
简介:Both critics and audiences have appreciated SHIN Yeon-shick’s films—A Great Actor, Fair Love, The Russian Novel, Rough Play—for his distinctive signature. His new feature The Avian Kind will be part of this year’s Jeonju Digital Project 2014. It is about a writer’s journey to find his missing wife, and this story was also part of his former filmThe Russian Novel. His new film i...
主演:金荷娜 姜至奂 张荣男 朴成敏 柳承龙 Domashchenko Vadym Elizabeth Sujin Ford 姜信日 Cody Hunter Nam-yeol Jang Jeong-seok Kim 刘承睦 Hyeong-jong Kim Hyeong-beom Kim Seung-hun Kim Sang-hyeok Lee Jin-Soo Park Byeong-hee Yoon Gi-seop Jeong Woo-Jeong Oh Woo-jin Lee Goutsou Iliana Jo
简介:谁都无法想到,外表美丽可爱的安秀智(金荷娜 饰)竟是一名有着六年工作经验的资深情报人员。鉴于职业的敏感性,连秀智的男朋友李在俊(姜志焕 饰)也不知道女友的真实身份,也因此两人误会丛生。即使在俊即将前往俄罗斯留学之际,秀智依旧为抓捕罪犯无暇他顾,两人的恋情就此定格。 三年时光转瞬即逝,从俄罗斯学成归国的在俊如今是一名国际会计师,而他的真实身份竟也是一名情报人员。刚刚入行不久的他纰漏不断,此时他奉命回国调查某俄罗斯黑帮分子。因缘巧合,他邂逅伪装成清洁工的秀智。两人不知道对方的身份,更不知道他们执行的是同一桩任务……
主演:Kim Jeong-seok 金素妍 郑涵妃 姜新孝
简介:Both critics and audiences have appreciated SHIN Yeon-shick’s films—A Great Actor, Fair Love, The Russian Novel, Rough Play—for his distinctive signature. His new feature The Avian Kind will be part of this year’s Jeonju Digital Project 2014. It is about a writer’s journey to find his missing wife, and this story was also part of his former filmThe Russian Novel. His new film is getting a lot of attention thanks to his unique of getting the motifs from literature and theatrical plays.
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