简介:An Iranian filmmaker and his son travel to Israel to investigate a religion that originated a hundred and seventy years ago. Youth from all over come to Haifa to join this religion, and those who serve in the gardens that surround the holy places develop peace-loving attitudes through their interactions with nature. The filmmaker shares with his son the idea that if the Iranian people had adopted a peaceful religion, Iran would not be preparing a nuclear attack on Israel, but the son believes that all religions tend to bring about destruction. As a result of these arguments, father and son separate from one another and pursue their own paths.
简介:Post September 11, Mohsen Makhmalbaf tracks the children who do not attend school in the border villages between Iran and Afghanistan with his digital camera and questions why they are not being educated. He finds girls studying in UNICEF classes in one region. One of the girls is not willing to come out of her burqa despite the fact that she has run away from Afghanistan and the Taliban are not present here. She is more afraid of the horrifying god that the Taliban have created more than the Taliban. The teacher tries… Director's commentary: The Taliban was not a political regime in Afghanistan but they are still a culture. Bombarding can ruin a political regime but it cannot change a culture. You cannot free a woman whom is imprisoned in the burqa with a rocket. The Afghan girl needs education. She doesn’t know that she doesn’t know. She is imprisoned but she does not know that she is a prisoner of poverty, ignorance, prejudice, male chauvinism and superstition. 95% of the women and 80% of the men in Afghanistan did not have the chance to attend school even before the Taliban. The film seeks the lost key to be able to open the lock of the cultural problems of Afghanistan. From the IMDB: In 2002 about 3 million Afghan Refugee were living in Iran. From those about 700,000 were Afghan Children who were not allowed to go to Iranian schools because of their illegal status in Iran. After this movie was made, this subject became controversial and finally the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) passed a bill in which the Afghani children were allowed to go to school and it resulted in 500,000 kids getting education.
主演:Azizeh Norieh Mahram Sirous 沙布纳姆·托洛伊 Ameneh
导演:玛兹嫣·玛克玛尔巴夫 莫森·玛克玛尔巴夫
简介:本片讲述伊朗三个不同年龄段女性的故事:1)小女孩哈娃(Fatemeh Cherag Akhar 饰)即将迎来9岁的生日,过了生日后,她就必须遮上面纱,不能和男孩们接触了。离生日还有一个小时,她决定和自己的好朋友共度这最后的时光;2)阿和(Shabnam Toloui 饰)逃离施暴的丈夫,和一群女伴参加长途自行车比赛。一路上,她的亲人、朋友接连赶来,试图阻止她叛逆的举动;3)老婆婆霍拉(Azizeh Sedighi 饰)来到一座城市内疯狂购物,并雇佣一群小孩搬运,但她似乎忘记了什么东西…… 本片荣获2000年芝加哥国际电影节最佳处女作奖、2000年釜山国际电影节新浪潮奖、2000年多伦多国际电影节发现奖第二名、2000年威尼斯电影节最佳处女作奖。
主演:Mamhoud Chokrollahi Mahnour Shadzi Karl Maass
简介: 伊朗国宝级大师马克马巴夫重生“寓言”作品! 当你踩过这片大地,蚂蚁的尖叫是生命最后的呐喊。 有神论者和无神论者坠入情网,婚后,他们背起行囊,带着椅子,到印度蜜月旅行,寻找传说中的放牛圣人。一路人,他们遇见用眼神停住火车的老者、把自己当成桌椅的少女、浴火重生的男人;当地人说,要见到圣人,必须成为谋杀者,踩着蚂蚁尸体前进。种种奇遇颠覆过往知识与经验,他们开始将行囊一件件丢下,最后连椅子都遗留在沙漠中。唯有蒙上双眼、捂住耳朵,才能遇见心中渴求的真理,漫漫恒河前,爱情不过是绚丽幻影。 本片是伊朗国宝级大师马克马巴夫年过半百后,以“反智”之姿对世界回眸一望所粹取出的“生死寓言”。他用行囊代表人出生后背负的包袱,椅子代表个人在世界中的地位价值,当舍弃所有后,留下的会是最纯净的美丽?还是最赤裸的伤痛?这是一场探索心灵的印度游记,也是追求生命真谛的恒河洗礼。和阿巴斯齐名的马克马巴夫,1996年创立‘马克马巴夫电影之家’,除了致力电影创作教学外,他们一家人都是优秀电影人才。以《苹果》一片轰动坎城影展的女儿莎米拉更成为伊朗新一代电影导演代言人。马克马巴夫更希望电影之家能持续以独特观点创作充满生命力的电影。 关于电影: 一个男人想在沙漠中和上帝对话,但当他开始演讲时,沙漠中所有生物都因为他与上帝谈话的方式受到惊吓,逃之夭夭。这是马克马巴夫2005年拍摄的8分钟短片《椅子》(The Chair)的剧情。《心灵印记》是马克马巴夫以此片为故事原型,用同样的男女主角,在同样的地点—印度—拍摄。除了延续哲学议题,片中更对上帝存在与否展开激辩;旅人将身上的‘包袱’以及随身携带的‘椅子’由扛起到抛下的过程,更是马克马巴夫对生命本质的重新思考。 马克马巴夫曾表示,他热爱印度,能够在印度拍电影是他长达15年来的梦想,但迂腐的官僚体系却让他困难重重,虽有丰富的创作资历,但为了得到拍摄许可,还是得准备一大堆纸本资料以应付政府的繁文缛节。在拍片过程中,他甚至自嘲,如果可以用一个空间就能把整部电影拍完,那印度绝对是拍电影的完美之地。
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