主演:Ciarah Amaani Tiffany Barber Richard Bass
导演:Melissa Talbot Mike Jeffers
简介:亲密关系中的背叛会使您的世界天翻地覆。 突然揭露或逐渐意识到欺骗、谎言或不忠对任何关系都可能是灾难性的。 丹妮尔的家人认为她是受害者,但她真的是吗?
主演:索菲·德马雷 Marcel Sabourin 维克多·安德雷斯·特根-特雷莱斯 Jean Pierre Bergeron Monique Spaziani Pierre Collin
导演:Martin Talbot
简介: As the sisters who raised him have to leave, Henry has to figure out how to live by himself within the city. He finds a job in a lighting shop and claims to "lighten up people's life". His job will bring him to discover friendship and love.
主演:GeorgeLoomis 克里斯托弗·科辛斯 薇薇卡·福克斯
简介:Former U.S. Ambassador Chris Williams needs a new heart but has lost the will to live. When medical student Jones is assigned to take care of Chris, his relentless approach to caregiving uncovers a dark secret, weighing the value of human life.
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