主演:石挥 魏鹤龄 崔超明 沈扬 李纬 程之 梁明
简介:清朝末年,才二十出头的“我”(石挥 饰)就失业了,多亏邻居巡警赵大爷的帮助,我也当上了一名巡警,也就是人们常说的“臭脚巡”。从这绰号您就知道,这个差事不好干。况且那些年兵荒马乱,民不聊生,清政府、军阀、洋人、爱国青年、国民党……你方唱罢我登场,把个老北京城搅得沸沸扬扬。我曾在秦大人府上当差,官老爷的奢侈腐败算是看了个尽。五四运动时还结识了学生领袖申远,他们为了新中国的崛起而不懈努力。我呢,一个社会底层的小老百姓,只求守着老婆孩子过上几天安稳日子。但处在这个倒霉时代下,老百姓哪有什么安生日子可言啊? 本片根据老舍同名原著改编。
主演:石挥 上官云珠 沈扬 崔超明 程之 林榛 王敏 俞仲英
主演:魏鹤龄 张乾 王蓓 高依云
简介:上海解放前夕,宝通纱厂暗藏特务张荣(魏鹤龄 饰)奉主子萧良(张翼 饰)之命,混入被捕的工人之中,伺机日后行动。解放后,张荣出狱返厂,继续伪装进步,潜藏在工人内部。平日里张荣用极左的言行粉饰自已,挑唆工人与资方的关系,并指使李福生(傅伯棠 饰)潜入车间破坏设备。工会干部朱亚琴(吴茵 饰)发现李福生行径可疑,主动找李福生谈话,并向他阐明政策,李幡然醒悟,主动向公安局坦白交代自己的罪行。政策的宽大并没有警醒顽固的张荣,他利用狱友黄子和(张乾 饰)的关系,将妹妹张杏华(王蓓 饰)安插在江南钢铁厂,并通过黄子和搜取该厂机密情报,通过萧良送到台湾,最终酿成了钢铁厂被敌机轰炸......
主演:张伐 秦怡 卫禹平 白穆 王力
简介:解放初期,我国北方某地。退伍军人张国宝(卫禹平 饰)回到家乡杜家庄参加农业生产,父亲张老五(张伐 饰)因循守旧,由于原先没种过棉花,对于上级号召种良棉缺乏信心,国宝的未婚妻拉英(秦怡 饰)也不知所措。地主杜天成(白穆 饰)、二流子刘老二(辛克 饰)趁机妖言惑众,从中作梗。而此时,果树突发的虫害更让缺少文化的乡亲们不知如何是好。国宝找到村长大牛(仲星火 饰)、积极分子杨连升(杨梦昶 饰)协商,找来良棉推广队,准备播种。愚昧的张老五见虫害日益严重,竞用迷信方法驱灾。国宝带头用科学方法治虫害,终于使大家从落后的生产方式中解放出来......
主演:张平 苏非 黄若海 杜德夫 陈戈
主演:格洛丽娅·布朗德尔 Dessie Flynn James MacDonald 克拉伦斯·纳什
主演:石联星 王炎 张平 张莹 欧阳如秋
简介:1931年9.18事变以后,赵一曼(石联星 饰)受党委派任哈尔滨总工会书记,和老曹(张平 饰)一起领导电车厂工人反日罢工运动。不久老曹被捕后牺牲。1934年赵任中共珠河县委委员兼铁北区委书记,组织义勇军,对日寇开展游击战争。秋天,她领导的农民自卫队与王团长(王炎 饰)所率抗日部队会师。红军长征到达陕北的消息传来,部队举行庆祝联欢,不料营地被鬼子包围,赵一曼率队突围,无奈敌人越上越多,她令王团长带主力先撤,自己带部分战士掩护,终因寡不敌众,不幸被俘。抓到赵一曼,敌认为钓到了大鱼,先是严刑拷打,后又威逼利诱,赵一曼尽显共产党人英雄本色,至死都没有开囗......
主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克 温戴尔·柯瑞
简介:Thelma Jordon, late one night, shows up in the office of married Assistant DA Cleve Marshall. Before Cleve can stop himself, he and Thelma are involved in an illicit affair. But Thelma is a mysterious woman, and Cleve can't help wondering if she is hiding something. Thelma has a plan up her sleeve that will ruin Corey if his love for her and his own weakness win out. Thelma has...
主演:露西娅·波塞 马西莫·吉洛蒂 费迪南多·萨尔米 吉诺·罗西 玛丽卡·罗斯基 罗西·米拉菲奥雷 鲁比·达尔马 安妮塔·法拉 佛朗哥·法布里齐 吉诺·塞尔维
简介:富商恩里克(Ferdinando Sarmi 饰)雇佣了私家侦探卡洛尼(Gino Rossi 饰)调查妻子宝拉(露西娅·波塞 Lucia Bosé 饰)的行踪。随着侦探调查的深入,宝拉的初恋情人圭多(马西莫·吉洛提 Massimo Girotti 饰)渐渐浮出水面,随着圭多而来的,还有一个隐藏多年的秘密。 原来,圭多曾经的恋人乔伊(Marika Rowsky 饰)亦是宝拉的好友,三人陷入了一场暧昧的三角关系之中。在一场意外中,乔伊不幸去世,而宝拉和圭多也就此分道扬镳。如今,圭多和宝拉重逢,熊熊燃烧的爱火在两人之间死灰复燃。然而,宝拉既放不下如今荣华富贵的生活,却又向往同圭多真挚火热的感情,一时之间,她陷入了两难的选择之中。
简介:Former big city newsman Larry Wilder is tired of fighting the powers that be and just wants to enjoy his new life as a small-town newspaper editor. He thinks his bucolic new home will provide him with an easy and unconflicted life. But when a young Latino farmworker is goaded into a fight by racist rich boys, Wilder finds himself the only white citizen of the town willing to st...
主演:詹姆斯·斯图尔特 谢利·温特斯 丹·德亚
简介:《温彻斯特,73年》是50年代由詹姆士·斯图尔特与安东尼·曼合作颇负盛名的5部西部片中最棒的一部(其余4部依次是《蜿蜒的河》(Bend of the River)、《来自莱若迈的男人》(The Man From Laramie)、《赤裸裸的刺激》(The Naked Spur)、《远乡》(The Far Country),被认为是刺激西部片票房回升的主要功臣。该片还开了一道历史的先河:由该片起,明星们不再靠领取薪水(尽管高得让人咋舌)过活,而趋于影片票房利润分成。这招儿让詹姆士·斯图尔特挣了大钱,也永远地改变了好莱坞的交易方式。 影片本身也令人印象深刻。安东尼·曼手法尖锐而富于心理剖析,刻画了一位陷入扑朔迷离中的强悍男人。牛仔林·麦克达姆(詹姆士·斯图尔特饰)为找回一支宝贵的温彻斯特1873年造连发步枪,一路追踪,由此开始了一连串的历险。最后一幕极其壮观:悬崖绝壁间,两人拔枪对射,壮阔山色也每每令人流连不已。《温彻斯特,73年》使詹姆士·斯图尔特名列十大票房榜,而此前电影公司竟怀疑他的表演才能。就像真正的1873年造温彻斯特步枪,《温彻斯特,73年》也是“千年之唯一”。
主演:斯特林·海登 路易斯·卡尔亨 简·哈根 詹姆斯·惠特摩 山姆·谢斐 约翰·麦克因泰 马克·劳伦斯 巴里·凯利 安东尼·卡卢索 Teresa Celli 玛丽莲·梦露 威·威利·戴维斯 多萝西·特里 布拉德·德克斯特 玛丽·安德森 Ray Bennett 大卫·邦德 Chet Brandenburg 本尼·伯特 弗兰克·卡迪 大卫·克拉克 John Cliff Harry Cody Gene Coogan 亨利·柯登 查克·考特尼 约翰·克劳福德 拉尔夫·邓恩 吉恩·埃文斯 帕特·弗莱厄蒂 亚历克斯·格里
主演:杰克·韦伯 查尔顿·赫斯顿 哈弥尔顿·坎普 韦薇卡·琳德佛斯 埃德·贝格利 哈里·摩根 迈克·马祖尔凯 迪恩·贾格尔 沃尔特·伯克 Hubie·Kerns Joe·Gray 迈克·马奥尼 丽莎贝斯·斯科特 威廉·H·奥布莱恩 凯茜·罗杰斯 Fred·Aldrich 奥特沃尔迪斯 唐·德福 杰弗里·塞尔 沃尔特·桑德 查尔兹·歇洛克 拜伦·弗格 John·Breen Franz·Roehn Jack·Chefe 格瑞塔·格兰斯泰德 Sally·Corner Marcoreta·Hellman 吉米·邓迪 M
简介:Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur ...
主演:张平 杜德夫 孙羽 张锡奇
简介:解放战争初期,解放军某部排长张志坚(张平 饰)率部掩护部队转移,在与敌激战几昼夜后,弹尽粮绝,张志坚命令战士们从断崖处突围。由于负伤动不了,张志坚、炊事员老王(杜德夫 饰)和连部通信员刘海泉(孙羽 饰)及战土齐得贵(张锡奇 饰)落入敌手。敌政工处长(李林 饰)为了查找我部队转移前埋藏的兵工厂器械和粮食,对他们三人用尽酷刑,并对张排长实施了美人计,均无结果。又让叛徒齐得贵对老王和小刘进行劝降,也不奏效。丧心病狂的敌人抓来了张志坚的母亲(胡朋 饰),演出了母子相看对方受刑的“苦肉计”,亦未奏效。最后,老王因伤重去世,小刘也壮烈牺牲,张志坚面临着巨大的考验......本片根据歌剧《钢骨铁筋》改编。©豆瓣
主演:李百万 郭允泰 浦克 李景波
导演:吕班 伊琳
简介: 抗战时期的山西吕梁地区,民兵队长柱子(李百万 饰)带领康家寨的民兵用土枪土炮打击日寇和汉奸。由于武器装备的落后和经验的缺乏,几次战斗下来,村里损失很大。区队长老马(周凋 饰)来到村里帮助民兵总结经验教训,并从区里调配武器弹药支援康家寨。上级的支持鼓舞了广大民兵,他们在柱子的带领下,从敌人手中夺回被抢走的耕牛,配合区委减租减息运动,努力发展生产。秋后,粮食获得丰收,据点里的敌人准备来抢粮,汉奸康锡雪(李景波 饰)暗中给敌人送情报。柱子带领民兵和贫雇农坚壁清野,同时民兵们和敌人打起了麻雀战、地雷战,大获全胜。好多原来思想落后的老人积极送子参加民兵,队伍渐渐壮大起来了......
主演:潘文展 金焰 张铮 项坌 天然
简介: 1945年8月,日寇投降后,新四军奉命向江北转移,途中遭国民党反动派伏击。纵队指导员周强(潘文展 饰)和机枪手老沈(金焰 饰)及卫生员杨玉文(张铮 饰),为掩护伤病员撤退,寡不敌众,不幸被俘。在押解途中,周强等在众人帮助下,打死敌分队长(董霖 饰),率众成功逃脱。他们用缴获的武器重新武装起来,在四明山和敌人打游击,并且发动周围群众,巩固自身力量。不久,他们和马县长(张望 饰)的游击队会师,建立起游击根据地,力量不断壮大。到了四九年春天,解放军发动渡江战役,大军一路南下,周强率游击队积极配合主力作战,作战中,船工大爷遭敌炮火轰击,壮烈牺牲,同船的杨玉文只身游过了长江......
主演:威廉·霍尔登 葛洛丽亚·斯旺森 埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 南希·奥尔森 安娜·Q 尼尔松
主演:乔尔·麦克雷 艾伦·德鲁 迪恩·斯托克维尔 艾伦·海尔 刘易斯·斯通 华诺·埃尔南德斯 阿曼达·布莱克 埃德·贝格利
主演:简·怀曼 玛琳·黛德丽 迈克·怀尔登 理查德·托德 阿拉斯塔尔·西姆 西碧尔·索恩迪克 凯·沃尔什 迈尔斯·马勒森 Hector MacGregor 乔伊丝·格伦菲尔 安德鲁·莫瑞尔 帕特里夏·希区柯克 巴拉德伯克利 Robert Adair 阿尔菲·巴斯 杰拉尔德·凯斯 Robert Cawdron 西里尔·张伯伦 Ann Codrington Nuna Davey Howard Douglas Josephine Douglas Frank Duncan 苏珊·吉布斯 Helen Goss 埃弗利·格
简介: 当红舞台剧女星Charlotte(Marlene Dietrich)这日早晨匆匆叩开情人Jonathan(Richard Todd)的房门,神色慌张地相告她刚刚杀了丈夫。Charlotte紧张更因她马上要去剧场演出,身上穿的却是沾有一大块血迹的裙子。Jonathan将Charlotte安抚一番,来到她家帮她取其它衣服,并在要离开之时伪造了现场,但却因此耽搁时间被Charlotte的女仆看见,Jonathan被迫找上爱恋他的Eve(Jane Wyman)。 上是Eve开车带Jonathan逃避警察追捕时,Jonathan对她的讲述,Eve听毕决计为所爱之人赴汤蹈火。但事情却有另外真相。
主演:贝蒂·戴维斯 安妮·巴克斯特 乔治·桑德斯 西莱斯特·霍姆 玛丽莲·梦露 加里·梅里尔
简介: 今年的萨拉·西登斯奖得主是年轻的伊芙·哈灵顿(安妮·巴克斯特 饰)。然而在去年十月,伊芙还只是一个连续数周默默注视名角玛戈·钱宁(贝蒂·戴维斯 饰)的戏迷。被玛戈的朋友凯伦·理查兹(塞莱斯特·霍姆 饰)带到玛戈面前后,伊芙讲述的经历打动了众人。玛戈收留了无依无靠的伊芙,伊芙也尽心尽力地打理玛戈的生活和工作,但是玛戈的侍伴伯迪·库南(塞尔玛·里特 饰)不喜欢研究玛戈的伊芙。热爱表演的伊芙当然不满足于做玛戈的助理,那么伊芙是怎样获得表演机会的?
主演:Jan Kurnakowicz 佐菲亚·姆罗佐夫斯卡 Igor Smialowski
简介: 一九四四年,苏联红军经过一番浴血奋战终于把德国法西斯从本国领土上赶走,并继续向西挺进,沿途解放了欧洲数个仍被纳粹铁蹄践踏的国家。在受纳粹迫害最严重的波兰,苏联红军密切协助当地军队一起为解放波兰而战斗着。 一九四四年的十月,饱受法西斯迫害的波兰人民终于忍无可忍,在首都华沙举行了一次为时两个多月的反法西斯武装起义,这次斗争艰苦异常,牺牲了将近二十五万波兰战士。虽然由于叛徒的出卖,起义最终失败了,但是这次斗争使自以为是的希特勒看到了自己的末日。他们深感恐慌,在战争上更疯狂、更残忍地毁灭华沙,企图用制造恐怖来吓倒波兰人民。但是波兰人民绝没那么软弱,他们为了波兰的自由,华沙的解放,坚决与法西斯斗争到底。 波兰游击队员安德鲁接受组织的命令,把自己的队伍撤到了维斯杜拉河对岸,并入了波兰军正规部队。而他本人则带领了两位战友强尼和裘力仍旧留在危险重重的华沙执行更艰巨的...
主演:范·强生 约翰·霍迪亚克 里卡多·蒙特尔班
简介:This is not a large scale multi-million dollar epic of World War Two. No thousands of extras, no wide panoramic sweep of battle scenes. This says more about The Battle of the Bulge than the movie of the same name. It's just an ordinary black and white M.G.M. production. What it lacks in size and scope it makes up for in impact.A simple story very well told, of a squad of GI's of the 101st Airborne Division, thrown into the maelstrom that was the German offensive in the Ardennes in December of 1944 against the Allied ground forces. It's hard to believe that this film was not shot on location; but on a Metro sound stage. And Metro's Culver City was turned into the only outdoor location for the snow-covered, rubble-strewn town of Bastogne under siege, which was tenaciously held by the 101st, under the command of Brig. General Anthony McAuliffe. With the exception of Van Johnson as Pvt. Holly who was high profile on the Metro lot in his time, and George Murphy as Pvt. Stazak, the rest of the cast were character-type actors who filled their roles perfectly. James Whitmore as Sgt. Kinnie is drilling the squad in the opening scenes. The squad members talk of an enjoyable furlough in Paris which is suddenly cut short by the German breakthrough in the Ardenne. Ptv. Stazak hopes of going home are dashed because his authorised documents have not come through before the squad moves up front. Douglas Fowley as Pvt. Kippton seems to be the best in the squad at bellyaching.Maybe it's his dentures that make him a sourpuss. But Fowley's dentures turn into a class act; clicking away to the old song, "I Surrender Dear," through the courtesy of a German propaganda broadcast heard over the radio in a Sherman tank. Denise Darcel comes as a welcome relief of feminine pleasure; not out of place in the town of Bastogne itself. In an indoor scene, Pvt. Holly's eyeballs go into left-to-right overdrive as he stares at Denise's buxom rear end descending a flight of stairs. Then there's Holly again, nursing stolen newly-laid eggs, as valuable as gold nuggets. He's about to scramble them over a fire when the squad is told to saddle up and move out. Not for the first time does Johnson (Pvt. Holly) yell, "oh no!" A expression he's used in past movies also. The broken eggs in his upturned helmet are now a problem. In the end it's disaster. The German artillery scramble the eggs for Holly. Problem solved! On a three man patrol, Holly, Hodiak as Janness, Montalban as Rodriguez, intercept and force a jeep carrying a Major and two sergeants to stop and identify themselves. The knowledge that Germans are infiltrating in GI uniforms has made the patrol suspicious so the Major is asked how the Dodgers made out in 1944. The Major hesitates,but the Sergeant in the rear seat asks Holly who Betty Grable is married to. Montalban shouts back, "Cesar Romero". The Major says Romero is out. "Betty Grable is married to Harry James". The tense atmosphere relaxes. The patrol is convinced they're friendly. What is displayed authentically on this studio sound stage is the icy, bone-chilling atmosphere of the battlefield. The men hunkered down; the deeper the better, in their foxholes. Throughout nearly all this movie there is the constant rise and fall in the background of continuous artillery fire, like a rolling thunder. It never seems to cease. Sometimes it's close, sometimes distant. That, along with the freezing fog hanging like a thick whitish-grey blanket in the air, enveloping everything, gives off an atmosphere of crisis; a feeling of fearful tension. The men endeavour to dispel the fear with humour. Waiting and wondering when the enemy will appear ghost-like out of the mist-shrouded forest. Near the end of the movie, Leon Ames gives a good performance as a Army Chaplain. Trying to explain the reason for this necessary trip to Europe, to kill off a murderous political system that has already killed off millions. Before the end, the tables turn in the Allies favour. Sergeant Kinnie notices his shadow against the snow. The sun is breaking through and the mist rises. Allied tactical air power is back in business again with a vengeance. Veteran director William Wellman was not found wanting when he directed this movie. He had already proved himself with, "The Story of GI Joe", in 1945. Antiwar film? Any war film well made and convincing can be antiwar, and you do not need blood all over the silver screen to prove it. Antiwar or not, World War Two was a "popular" war. The reasons stuck out a mile. The Army Chaplain said so in so many words. The Ardennes offensive caught the Allies unawares. By late 1944, battered the German forces may have been. But they still had a few nasty shots in their locker to scare the living daylights out of the Allied Command. We thought the Germans had run out of fighting steam, but old Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt thought different.
主演:范·强生 约翰·霍迪亚克 里卡多·蒙特尔班
简介:This is not a large scale multi-million dollar epic of World War Two. No thousands of extras, no wide panoramic sweep of battle scenes. This says more about The Battle of the Bulge than the movie of the same name. It's just an ordinary black and white M.G.M. production. What it lacks in size and scope it makes up for in impact.A simple story very well told, of a squad of GI's of the 101st Airborne Division, thrown into the maelstrom that was the German offensive in the Ardennes in December of 1944 against the Allied ground forces. It's hard to believe that this film was not shot on location; but on a Metro sound stage. And Metro's Culver City was turned into the only outdoor location for the snow-covered, rubble-strewn town of Bastogne under siege, which was tenaciously held by the 101st, under the command of Brig. General Anthony McAuliffe. With the exception of Van Johnson as Pvt. Holly who was high profile on the Metro lot in his time, and George Murphy as Pvt. Stazak, the rest of the cast were character-type actors who filled their roles perfectly. James Whitmore as Sgt. Kinnie is drilling the squad in the opening scenes. The squad members talk of an enjoyable furlough in Paris which is suddenly cut short by the German breakthrough in the Ardenne. Ptv. Stazak hopes of going home are dashed because his authorised documents have not come through before the squad moves up front. Douglas Fowley as Pvt. Kippton seems to be the best in the squad at bellyaching.Maybe it's his dentures that make him a sourpuss. But Fowley's dentures turn into a class act; clicking away to the old song, "I Surrender Dear," through the courtesy of a German propaganda broadcast heard over the radio in a Sherman tank. Denise Darcel comes as a welcome relief of feminine pleasure; not out of place in the town of Bastogne itself. In an indoor scene, Pvt. Holly's eyeballs go into left-to-right overdrive as he stares at Denise's buxom rear end descending a flight of stairs. Then there's Holly again, nursing stolen newly-laid eggs, as valuable as gold nuggets. He's about to scramble them over a fire when the squad is told to saddle up and move out. Not for the first time does Johnson (Pvt. Holly) yell, "oh no!" A expression he's used in past movies also. The broken eggs in his upturned helmet are now a problem. In the end it's disaster. The German artillery scramble the eggs for Holly. Problem solved! On a three man patrol, Holly, Hodiak as Janness, Montalban as Rodriguez, intercept and force a jeep carrying a Major and two sergeants to stop and identify themselves. The knowledge that Germans are infiltrating in GI uniforms has made the patrol suspicious so the Major is asked how the Dodgers made out in 1944. The Major hesitates,but the Sergeant in the rear seat asks Holly who Betty Grable is married to. Montalban shouts back, "Cesar Romero". The Major says Romero is out. "Betty Grable is married to Harry James". The tense atmosphere relaxes. The patrol is convinced they're friendly. What is displayed authentically on this studio sound stage is the icy, bone-chilling atmosphere of the battlefield. The men hunkered down; the deeper the better, in their foxholes. Throughout nearly all this movie there is the constant rise and fall in the background of continuous artillery fire, like a rolling thunder. It never seems to cease. Sometimes it's close, sometimes distant. That, along with the freezing fog hanging like a thick whitish-grey blanket in the air, enveloping everything, gives off an atmosphere of crisis; a feeling of fearful tension. The men endeavour to dispel the fear with humour. Waiting and wondering when the enemy will appear ghost-like out of the mist-shrouded forest. Near the end of the movie, Leon Ames gives a good performance as a Army Chaplain. Trying to explain the reason for this necessary trip to Europe, to kill off a murderous political system that has already killed off millions. Before the end, the tables turn in the Allies favour. Sergeant Kinnie notices his shadow against the snow. The sun is breaking through and the mist rises. Allied tactical air power is back in business again with a vengeance. Veteran director William Wellman was not found wanting when he directed this movie. He had already proved himself with, "The Story of GI Joe", in 1945. Antiwar film? Any war film well made and convincing can be antiwar, and you do not need blood all over the silver screen to prove it. Antiwar or not, World War Two was a "popular" war. The reasons stuck out a mile. The Army Chaplain said so in so many words. The Ardennes offensive caught the Allies unawares. By late 1944, battered the German forces may have been. But they still had a few nasty shots in their locker to scare the living daylights out of the Allied Command. We thought the Germans had run out of fighting steam, but old Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt thought different.
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