简介:The tenth season of NCIS: Los Angeles was ordered on April 18, 2018, and premiered on September 30, 2018 on CBS for the 2018–19 television season. The series will continue to air at Sunday at 9:00 p.m. (ET) and will contain 24 episodes.
简介:An unknown terrorist has developed a new type of bomb that will destroy clothing, but leave people unharmed. Agent Maxwell Smart (this time without 99 or Hymie) is taken out of retirement and sent back into the field to track down who this madman is and put a stop to his plans.
简介:《信任》讲述的是真实的富豪家族故事,主角是John Paul Getty III,Getty石油公司的(前)继承人;于1973年时,John Paul Getty III在罗马遭到绑架,当时黑手党绑匪向他的家族勒索赎金(根据资料是1700万美元)。然而他在绑匪手上时,这对他成了一种恶梦,因为当时仿佛没有人想救他回来似的。 意大利警方认为这是恶作剧,因而拒绝调查﹑John Paul Getty III那没了继承权的父亲在伦敦嗑海洛因,形同废人﹑祖父在当时可能是全球最富有的人,他待在英国郊区的都铎庄园,身边有五个情妇及一只宠物狮子,「忙」得没空理孙子(根据其他新闻,有指他为免未来有其他人有样学样绑架其他家人,因此不愿付赎金)。当时唯一跟日益绝望的绑匪谈判的(到了最后,赎金已砍价至290万美金),只有他的母亲……问题是,她已经破产了。