主演:JenniferTilly JamieLeeCurtis KevinPollak
简介:High school student, Grover Beindorf, and his younger sister, Stacey, have a problem. Their parents, Janet (Curtis) and Ned (Pollak) are going to get a divorce. Desperate, Grover and Stacey lure their parents to the basement, lock it up, and declare their intentions to keep them there until they reconcile. When their friends find out what they have done, everyone agrees that their misbehaving parents deserve the same treatment!
主演:KevinBacon ElizabethPerkins SharonStone
导演:肯·卡皮斯 MarisaSilver
简介:Dan and Lorie are journalists working in the same office. More often than not they have opposing view of the issue in question. Deciding that this is hot stuff, a television producer gives them their own program (called "He Said, She Said") where they can give their opposing views on various issues. As they work together and get to know one another, the events that occur in their lives are replayed in the film twice; once from each"s perspective
主演:KevinCostner ElijahWood
简介:曾经,史蒂芬(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)亦是怀揣着保家卫国的热血理想参军踏上了战场,然而,知道真正的身处于炮火之中时,史蒂芬才发现,战争,无论对于己方还是敌人,都是一场惨无人道的酷刑。史蒂夫幸运的成为了战场上的幸存者,返回了家乡,没想到这里一切早已物是人非,史蒂芬决定依靠自己的双手,重建家园。 史蒂芬有两个孩子,在孩子们眼中,浴战火而重生的父亲显然就是英雄的典范,可是史蒂芬却想向孩子们揭开战争的残酷本质。两个孩子在一颗大树上建造了一间树屋作为秘密基地,没想到这间树屋却成为了另一场战争的导火索
主演:麦克·辛 比尔·奈伊 罗娜·迈特拉 斯蒂文·麦金托什 KevinGrevioux
简介:遥远的黑暗世纪,柯文诺斯的子孙一分为二。血族在维多(比利·奈伊 Bill Nighy 饰)的领导下独行天下,强大的吸血兵团压制极具传染性且无法进化成人的残暴狼族。直到某天,一个神奇的生命诞生,改变了这两个家族的命运。一只母狼诞下有着人类外表的狼人路西安(麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 饰),维多窥见狼人身体内的强大实力,于是对其大量繁殖,并将狼人纳为服务血族的奴隶。奴隶的苦难永无终结,而在这一过程中路西安还冒天下之大不韪与维多的女儿桑雅(罗娜·迈特拉 Rhona Mitra 饰)偷偷相恋。
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